Exemptions from Real Property Taxation in New York State: 2021 County, City, and Town Assessment Rolls

Municipal summary of exemptions for each city and town within a county is available through Municipal Profiles.

  1. Scroll down the page and select a county.
  2. Select Exemption Information.
  3. Select a roll year.
  4. Select one of the two options available under County Summary of Exemptions by Roll Year and Municipality.

County level summary of exemptions, by type, 2021 assessment rolls. Information for each county is available through Municipal Profiles.

  1. Scroll down the page and select a county.
  2. Select Exemption Information.
  3. Select a roll year.
  4. Select County Summary of Exemptions by Roll Year and Type.

County level summary of exemptions by property group and exemption code, 2021 assessment rolls. Information for each county is available through Municipal Profiles.

  1. Scroll down the page and select a county.
  2. Select Exemption Information.
  3. Select a roll year.
  4. Select County Summary of Exemptions by Roll Year, Property Group and Exemption Code.
Updated: August 19, 2022

Department of Taxation and Finance

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