Get a Copy of a Birth Certificate

Download the mail-in application to obtain a copy of a birth certificate.

How To

How To

Refer to this step by step process to order a birth certificate:

  1. Gather the necessary identifying information (See list below)
  2. Complete the application online, by telephone or by mail
  3. Pay the required fees with credit card (internet only), check drawn from a U.S. bank or with a money order - DO NOT send cash.
  4. Submit the application

Ready? Have with you:

Applications must be submitted with either:

Or applications may be submitted with TWO of the following:

What if Im making a request from a foreign country?

If the country you are in requires a U.S. Passport for travel, you must also provide a copy of your passport with your application along with the other identification documents.

Still have questions?

Visit the NYS Department of Health website for more detailed information.